So, yesterday , i did the written testing for Vancouver Fire & Rescue; a long day to be sure and filled with so much more weight for me than just 'do i go on in the process or not'. This is really the last FD process we'll go through here in Vancouver before packing up and moving somewhere smaller, apart from a very clear indication from God otherwise. Once again, i find what i know of God literally forbidding me to get all "worked up" and nuts over this time of waiting. There are pros and cons to both sides of course, and, surely, God would have us be wise in our decision-making. But i was reminded last night of how little account our decisions are in light of the sovereignty of God when i read,
"In Your book were written for me, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:18 [emphasis mine]
It's as i've been taught to say, "if God does not want me to be a firefighter in Vancouver, there is nothing i could do to make that happen, and if He does want me to work here, there is nothing anyone else can do to prevent it!"
In this Vancouver process, and in everything else that comes before me, my prayer remains that of the disciples in Luke 17, "Lord, increase our faith."
Exodus 26; John 5; Proverbs 2; Galatians 1
3 hours ago
I'm hoping it's the latter!