Interesting and a bit melancholy looking through the forums - some of which i began myself - about the various intakes i've been involved in in these past months. Hard in a way to watch others proceed in while i sit and wait for the next opportunity. Be easy to become discouraged or bitter (which i've seen some guys do on these forums) if God did not give me eyes to see a larger plan at work. All my hopes and desires for this job could so easily become an idol; any 'thing' that i pursue over Him, even if it is for a good end of serving and providing for my family. God grant me faith, as i stroll through this 'graveyard', to trust in Your sovereign plan and wait for the position You have for me.
"... having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will." Eph. 1:11
Exodus 26; John 5; Proverbs 2; Galatians 1
3 hours ago
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